Tips to get your asthma under control
Is your asthma stopping you from engaging in your favorite sports or becoming an impediment while you do your daily chores? If yes, then you need to make a quick visit to your physician as your asthma is not under control. Managing asthma can be tricky for few individuals as it involves a combination of medication, lifestyle adjustments, and regular monitoring.
Signs of Uncontrolled Asthma
- Feeling breathless
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- Feeling congested
Management Tips
If you want to keep your asthma under control the following tips can prove helpful.
Take your medications on time: Use your asthma medications as directed by your doctor, including both long-term controller medications and quick-relief inhalers for acute symptoms. Make sure you understand how to use your inhaler properly.
Identify and avoid triggers: Identify the triggers that worsen your asthma symptoms, such as allergens (pollen, dust mites, pet dander), smoke, strong odors, cold air, exercise, or certain foods. Take steps to minimize your exposure to these triggers.
Stress can also play a huge trigger, try practicing mindfulness or meditation to keep stress at bay.
Keep your surroundings clean: Keep your living space clean and free of dust. Regularly vacuum and wash bedding to reduce allergens. Consider using allergy-proof covers for pillows and mattresses.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Regular exercise can also improve lung function but consult your doctor for appropriate activities. Avoid smoking and limit exposure to secondhand smoke.
Monitor your symptoms: Pay attention to any changes in your symptoms and peak flow readings.
Be prepared for emergencies: Always carry your quick-relief inhaler with you. Make sure your family, friends, and coworkers know how to recognize and respond to an asthma attack. Consider wearing a medical alert bracelet or pendant indicating your asthma condition.
Book an Asthma Review
As everyone’s asthma is unique, one needs to work closely with their healthcare provider to develop a personalized plan for managing asthma effectively. If asthma is your concern visit Dr. Sunny Medical Centre and consult our physician Dr. Harshitha S, who specializes in treatment of asthma. You can discuss any concerns or changes in your symptoms to get the best possible plan to manage your asthma.