Gestational diabetes can present challenges during pregnancy, but with the assistance of our knowledgeable gynecologist, it can be effectively managed to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Here’s how our gynecologist at Dr. Sunny Medical Centre can help in cases of gestational diabetes:
Early Detection and Diagnosis: During your antenatal checkups our gynecologists routinely screen for gestational diabetes. Early detection allows for timely intervention and management.
Comprehensive Monitoring: Our gynecologist will monitor blood sugar levels regularly to ensure they remain within the normal range. This involves both fasting and post-meal glucose checks to assess how the body is processing sugars.
Individualized Treatment Plans: Our gynecologists create personalized treatment plans tailored to the patient’s specific needs. This often includes dietary modifications, exercise recommendations, and lifestyle changes to help manage blood sugar levels.
Nutritional Guidance: Our gynecologists may refer you to a nutritionist or work with them to provide guidance on a balanced and healthy diet that supports the nutritional needs of both the mother and the developing baby.
Medication Management: If lifestyle changes alone are insufficient in controlling blood sugar levels, medications like insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents may be prescribed to help manage gestational diabetes.
Regular Follow-Up Appointments: You will be asked to schedule regular follow-up appointments with our gynecologist to closely monitor the progress of the pregnancy and assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan. Adjustments to the plan may be made as needed.
Education and Support: Our gynecologists play a crucial role in educating expectant mothers about gestational diabetes, its potential impact, and the importance of adherence to the prescribed treatment plan.
Collaboration with other healthcare professionals: Our gynecologists may collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as endocrinologists and diabetes educators, to ensure comprehensive care for the patient. This multidisciplinary approach helps address the various aspects of gestational diabetes.
Monitoring Fetal Well-being: Our gynecologists use regular ultrasounds and other monitoring techniques to assess the baby’s growth and well-being. This ensures that any potential complications related to gestational diabetes are identified and addressed promptly.
Preparation for Delivery: Our gynecologists work with the patient to develop a birth plan considering the unique needs associated with gestational diabetes. This may involve discussions about delivery options and postpartum care.
By actively managing gestational diabetes, our gynecologists contribute to a healthier pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby. Keeping an open communication with our obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Poonguzhali Liston can help you manage this pregnancy related complication easily. Her exceptional clinical skills in addressing a wide range of women’s health issues make her a trusted and sought-after Obgyn. If you are someone who is facing complications in your pregnancy journey schedule an appointment with Dr. Poonguzhali for a safe & healthy pregnancy.