A dental check-up is a very good thing, you should get a regular dental check-up once in six months. People who regularly get check-ups are less likely to ever deal with a serious dental issue that requires invasive treatment. If you are skipping a dental check-up because of cost or another factor like time, make sure to consider all the risks. You might end up paying in the long run for not visiting your dentist will likely be much higher, both for your wallet and your peace of mind. Here are some of the Importance Of a Regular Dental check-up.
Regular Dental Check-ups Prevent Plaque, Tartar, Cavities, and Tooth decay
If a person brushes twice a day also fail to clean the hard-to-reach places in their mouth. A good example is the back molars, which are very hard to clean. That is why every person should visit a dentist once in every six months.
The dentist will examine the patient’s teeth to look for early signs of tooth decay. If the dentist finds small cavities, they will start the patient on fluoride treatment to reverse the decay and treat larger cavities with dental fillings.
Next, the dentist will perform a professional tooth cleaning to remove plaque or tartar from the teeth and gums. This will protect the teeth and gums from attacks by harmful bacteria that make their home in plaque and tartar.
Regular Dental Check-ups Protects Gum Diseases
The early stages of gum disease have no symptoms. This makes it difficult to detect gum disease in their mouths. But dentists can easily detect the gum disease and give a treatment.
During Regular check-up, the dentist will make sure that the gums are firm. They will check for swelling and deep gum pockets. If the dentist finds any of these symptoms, they will treat the underlying cause.
Usually, early gum disease goes away when a patient improves his oral habits, and a dentist will gladly guide their patient on how to take care of their gums.
Regular Dental Check-up Can Easily Detect an Oral Cancer
In a regular dental check-up, a dentist will look for signs of oral cancer in their patient’s mouth. This is great because if oral cancer goes undetected, it can develop into a life-threatening illness.
The dentist uses a special light to look for dead tissue caused by tumors. The exam is called a VEL scope cancer exam. It is painless and only takes a minute.
With this exam, a person who visits the dentist once in every six months has little chance of developing late-stage oral cancer.
A free dental check-up is provided at Dr. Sunny Medical Center, Bellandur, and Sarjapur Road. Contact us to Book An Appointment