Weight Loss is probably the most searched word on the internet in India:-)
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And rightfully so, with studies saying India is home to the second highest number of young people who have excess weight, early prevention is the need of the hour to avoid an entire generation from falling prey to heart ailments, hypertension and diabetic complications.
Much as Weight loss seems daunting and appears hard, tough and a seemingly arduous journey, in reality, it’s quite a simple affair, when one applies their mind to understand the basics of weight loss.
Despite numerous research and studies conducted on ways to lose weight quickly, the fact still remains that Weight loss occurs due to a negative calorie balance in the body caused by lowering the intake of calories and expending more calories by way of diet & exercise.
This is the only successful, data backed , safe and proven way to lose weight.
All other fast track methods of losing weight eg- bullet coffee, lemon water, ginger water, apple cider vinegar, intermittent fasting, salad diets, juice diets etc are all just different kinds of value adds which can possibly enhance the process though not necessary at all to lose weight.
Let’s look at what constitutes to weight gain/obesity in simple terms:
Your genes may affect the amount of body fat you store, and where that fat is distributed.
Genetics may also play a role in how efficiently your body converts food into energy and how your body burns calories during exercise, however it is quite possible to reverse this with a proper nutrition plan and with the right advice under a dietitian.
Certain medications
Some medications can lead to weight gain if you don’t compensate through diet or activity.
These medications include some antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, diabetes medications, antipsychotic medications, steroids and beta blockers.
But again, these can be reversed or managed with the right diet and activity.
Lack of Awareness
Simple lack of awareness on what constitutes good foods, lack of knowledge on right nutrition, and falling prey time & again to fad diets.
Wrong Eating habits & Family Lifestyle
Obesity does not develop overnight. Obesity or weight gain happens over a period of time and progresses over time with wrong eating habits.
Children exposed to wrong foods from childhood mostly by observing poor eating choices of close family members convert to obese adults.
Eg – A child who has been exposed to good food choices from an early age (formative years) will always reach out to healthy foods despite the occasional binging. And Vice Versa.
Lack of sleep
Not getting enough sleep can cause changes in hormones that increase your appetite.
You may also crave foods high in calories and carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain.
Lack of activity
The math is quite simple, If you’re not very active, you don’t burn as many calories.
If your consumption is more than your output, the kilos pile on and with a sedentary lifestyle, you can easily take in more calories every day than you burn through exercise and routine daily activities.
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Armed with all the facts above, it is quite crystal clear that at the end of the day, CALORIES play THE ROLE.
One can try all possible diets, meal replacements, extreme physical activity or strength training, capsules, Apple Cider Vinegar shots etc, but if the basic framework of your daily eating plan is skewed, then weight loss will always remain a struggle & a dream.
Another most important factor in Weight loss is the approach towards the whole process.
If one is looking to lose weight at the rate of 5 to 10 kgs in 2 months and want to fastrack their progress, it may not be a good idea.
One does not become overweight or obese overnight or in 2 months, it takes several months or years of bad eating habits and poor activity levels for someone to pile on the excess weight.
So does it make sense to aim for losing all that weight in one or two months?
What has taken several months or years will also take many months of disciplined eating, right nutrition and an overall change in lifestyle to lose all that weight & keep it off successfully.
Hence it is incorrect to pursue weight loss as a short term goal.
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One must look at weight loss as a model that’s lifelong, sustainable, healthy and one that can be pursued happily without depriving oneself of the vital nutrients and minerals required by the body.
A goal oriented disciplined approach under the guidance of a certified nutrition consultant can go a long way in losing weight holistically and happily.
Lalita Damodaran