A dermatologist is a specialist that spends significant time in treating skin, hair, nail, and mucous layer issue.
Skin is the biggest organ of the human body. It contains 16% of the complete load of the body. With the expanding contamination and an unnatural weather change on the planet, the skin is as a rule straightforwardly presented to the outside world. The dermatologist encourages us beat the sicknesses identifying with the skin. Dermatology is the region of prescription that significantly deals with skin, hair and nails.
Dermatologist in Sarjapur Road
The training covers infection, disease, hypersensitivities malignant growth and other skin infirmities and treatment identifying with the skin, hair and the nail. Did you realize that a sound hair, nail and skin are the indications of a solid body? Why need a Dermatologist? Our skin, nail and hair demonstrate certain indications of illnesses that should be intently inspected maintaining a strategic distance from the previous sickness that may happen. Dermatologists assume an essential job in these angles. They make us mindful of these signs and side effects and recommend us precautionary measures with the goal that they are destroyed. Counseling an expert dermatologist can give you viable skin treatment.
Cosmetic dermatology
As more ladies – and men – look for approaches to hold a characteristic, young appearance, we are focused on giving the best in creative restorative items and techniques. With basic systems, a considerable lot of which are negligibly intrusive, you can get the treatment you need up close and personal and with little downtime for recovery.
Keeping up your skin is an essential segment of your general well-being and prosperity. Dermatologists and social insurance deal with your healthy skin through instruction, determination and individualized treatment.
Regardless of whether you need a yearly skin check or have an uncommon skin condition the general restorative dermatology practice offers analysis and treatment for all grown-up skin, hair and nail issues.
With regards to a reasonable, perfect, and imperfection free composition realize that it takes solid propensities and healthy skin medicines to accomplish the best outcomes. On the off chance that you battle with minor to complex skin conditions, rest guaranteed that you are not the only one and that there is an answer.
Dermatologist in Sarjapur Road
Regardless of whether you have had annoying skin inflammation that is by all accounts going on well past your high school years or your skin has all of a sudden changed bringing about a hazardous skin condition, as Dermatology can help. Much like other medical problems, the more you leave your skin condition untreated, the additional time it needs to decline. Furthermore, endeavoring to analyze your skin issues individually and attempting to treat them without a healthy skin doctor can just enhance the issues you’re encountering.
We prescribe planning an interview with one of our affirmed dermatologists before booking a healthy skin administration. This permits your doctor time to meet with you to assess your skin and the worries you are having. When the dermatologist has gotten the opportunity to evaluate your composition, they will make a proposal for the best treatment for skin break out or whatever your skin condition is.
General dermatology administrations and skin conditions
Appearance concerns and skin issues go more distant than skin inflammation inclined skin types, which is the reason it is essential to see a dermatologist to analyze the condition properly and treat it adequately. Dermatology intends to give our patients the most noteworthy nature of healthy skin benefits in the so patients keep on living glad and sound ways of life.
Here are a few instances of the more typical conditions dermatologists are prepared to treat.
Vitiligo: The skin loses melanin, prompting patches of lighter hued skin.
Skin inflammation: One of the most widely recognized skin diseases, skin break out is an ailment influencing the oil organs of the skin. It has a scope of makes that lead a wide range of sorts of pimples. Skin break out can result in discouragement, low confidence, and scarring.
Dermatitis and skin inflammation: Dermatitis is irritation of the skin. It normally prompts swelling with a rash. Dermatitis takes diverse structures, including dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis. Every influence the skin in an unexpected way.
Contagious diseases: Fungus can contaminate the skin, nails, and hair. Parasitic contaminations are normal, and side effects are typically gentle. They can cause progressively genuine side effects for individuals with diminished resistance. A gathering of yeasts called Candida can cause a wide scope of contaminations, including oral thrush and balanitis.
Dermatologist in Sarjapur Road
Hair issue: About million individuals have inherited male pattern baldness. The loss of hair might be the consequence of a basic condition, for example, alopecia, or a secluded issue. Hair can likewise be influenced by head lice, and around 6 to 12 million kids also suffer from the baldness condition as inherited by the parents.
Nail issues: Dermatologists likewise treat conditions influencing the nails. These grumblings frequently comprise of contagious contaminations and ingrowing toenails. Nail issues can be demonstrative of other fundamental conditions.
Psoriasis: This is a constant, immune system skin issue that speeds up the development of skin cells. This quick development results in thick, red skin and shiny scales. There are a few unique sorts of psoriasis. Psoriasis can in some cases have a comparable appearance to skin inflammation.
Rosacea: Rosacea causes redness in the face, like reddening. Little, discharge filled knocks regularly show up, and rosacea can likewise prompt noticeable veins and swollen eyelids. Rosacea can spread from the nose and cheeks to the brow, jawline, ears, chest, and back. Ladies with reasonable skin who are in moderately aged frequently experience rosacea.
Dermatology Packages offered by Dr Sunny Medical Centre.
Cosmetic Peel
Cosmetic/Chemical peels involve application of certain weak acids in a controlled manner to produce exfoliation at various depths within the skin. Peels can be chosen based on the depth of peeling they generate
- Superficial
- Medium
- Deep
Your dermatologist/Cosmetologist chooses the type of chemical peel which is safe yet effective for each patient
Most common peels are:
- Glycolic Acid – Made from sugar cane
- Salicylic Acid – Synthetically prepared
- Trichloroacetic Acid – Synthetically prepared
Other peels are Lactic acid (from sour milk), Citric acid (Fruits), Malic Acid (Apples), Mandelic Acid (Almonds), Tartaric Acid (Grapevine)
Peels are available now days in combinations of various acids which are also popularly used
Common Indications:
Post inflammatory hyper Pigmentation (After Acne or Injury), Melasma, Fine wrinkles, Acne etc
Each peel is different & is used for different indications.
Between the sessions great care has to be given to the skin. Good moisturization & sun protection is advised. Salon treatments are to be avoided
GA/Sali Peel 3 Sessions: 4,000/-
TCA Peel – Forearm / Upperarm 3 Sessions – 5,500/-
TCA Peel – Full Back 3 Sessions – 8,500/-
TCA Peel – Full Arms 3 Sessions – 10,000/-
TCA Peel – Half Back 3 Sessions – 5,500/-
TCA Peel – Hand / Neck 3 Sessions – 2,500/-
TCA Peel – Knee / Feet 3 Sessions – 4,000/-
TCA Peel – Lower Leg / Thigh 3 Sessions – 7,000/-
TCA Peel – Underarms 3 Sessions – 5,500/-
Dark Circle Reduction with Glycolic Acid 6 Sessions – 5,500/-
Dermatologist in Sarjapur Road
Dr Sunny Medical Center likewise gives treatment identified with Laser Hair Removal and Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment at the Bellandur Location.
What Are The Advantages Of Laser Hair Removal?
Minimum Side Effects
There are just a couple of minor symptoms of laser hair removal, and those which do happen tend not to last in excess of a couple of days.
Cost Effective
When you start your treatment with laser hair removal, you will never again need to spend your cash on customary costly wax medicines, depilatory creams, razors or different strategies for hair removal. It might be more expense in advance, yet over your life, you will spare an immense sum by never again spending on these techniques.
No Ingrown Hairs
In contrast to waxing, threading and epilating, you won’t need to endure agonizing and unattractive ingrown hairs. Neither will you need to tolerate irritation or bothering. Laser hair removal can even improve ingrown hairs.
No Waiting for Hair Growth
You needn’t bother with surface hair for a laser hair removal treatment. Truth be told, you are urged to shave soon before your session to avoid you searing any of the surface hair. This implies while you are sitting tight for the laser hair removal to work, you can remain fluff free, dissimilar to with waxing and other hair expulsion strategies where you should have sufficiently long surface hair before a session.
Dermatologist in Sarjapur Road
Initially, What Really Is Platelet-rich Plasma and How Is It Processed?
- Most of our blood is comprised of fluid plasma yet it additionally contains numerous rich segments including red and white blood cells and platelets.
- Platelets help our blood to cluster, and they additionally contain incalculable proteins called development factors which are vital to helping to heal injuries.
- The key to tackling platelets in our blood for ‘good’, is to draw a blood test and afterward process it utilizing an axis to isolate the platelet-rich plasma from alternate pieces of the blood.
- Once we have this concentrated ‘liquid’, it very well may be utilized for a few types of treatment. Most normally we can use it as a major aspect of treatment for abnormal state of different competitors who might experience the ill effects of wounds (sprained knees, tendonitis, and so forth.). In our industry, we use PRP to think about the skin and to advance new hair development.
The body cells which help the tissue in mending and creating new cells are called Platelets. PRP is infused into focused territories of the skin and afterward shapes a situation which helps in developing collagen, recovers the tissues and makes your skin smooth and tight. PRP mellows wrinkles and makes skin surface and tone that is smoother, more youthful and better.