The heart is the hollow, muscular organ in the thoracic cavity (chest) that maintains the circulation of blood throughout the body. It is surrounded by a membrane called the pericardium. The pericardium consists of a layer of fibrous connective tissue and a layer of thin, serous (i.e., produces a secretion) tissue and is attached to the venacava, the aorta, the diaphragm and the sternum. Doctors at Dr Sunny Medical Centre is well known for treating the problems related to Heart and its disorders and they stand as the Best Cardiologist in Sarjapur Road and we also provide services that includes treatment to the Bones etc. We stand as the Best Bone Specialist in Bellandur as we are located in Bellandur and Sarjapur Road.
Best Cardiologist in Sarjapur Road.
The pericardial cavity—the potential space between the pericardium and the heart—contains the watery pericardial fluid. This fluid prevents friction between the pericardium and the heart.
Cardiologists are doctors specialized in diagnosing and treatment diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart & blood vessels).
Heart disease is a major cause for heart attack (myocardial infarction), congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, stroke, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and ischemia (reduced blood flow).
The heart is the muscular organ in the chest that maintains the circulation of blood throughout the body. Blood that has traveled through the body returns to the heart and is pumped into the lungs, where it absorbs oxygen. Oxygen-rich blood returns from the lungs, enters the heart and then is pumped through the aortic valve into the main artery of the body (aorta) and smaller arteries that travel to the head, arms, abdomen and legs.Best Cardiologist in Sarjapur Road – Dr Sunny Medical Centre.
These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to the organs and tissues of the body, which require oxygen to function. The coronary arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to the tissues of the heart.
With not only concerns of heart attacks worrying doctors and patients alike, the new trend of high blood pressure or hypertension became even more than a treat. The hardening and thickening of heart’s arteries meant that more work was expected out of the heart.
This over exhilaration caused skipping, lack of breath, pains that were preamps for fatal heart attacks. Arteriosclerosis was caused and by ‘a buildup of fatty deposits in arterial wall’ and made worse by stress, smoking and excessive drinking.Best Cardiologist in Sarjapur Road is Dr Sunny Medical Centre who provide services related to the Heart and its related diseases.