Blood tests are carried out to detect a variety of diseases such as diabetes, dengue, malaria, HIV/AIDS, etc. A complete blood count test will help to determine the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in a patient’s bloodstream. This can help to detect abnormalities in their number.
Blood tests from home can also help a person to know if he’s anaemic, if he suffers from cholesterol, if he has cardiovascular diseases or if he has thyroid problems. Blood tests are commonly performed at diagnostic centers. However, these days blood sample collection from home has gained immense popularity due to its advantages.
Benefits of Home Blood Sample Collection
- It Helps For Aged People
Most of aged patients travel to a diagnostic center for a blood test by taxi since they get tired easily and may even suffer from other health problems. For such patients, blood tests at home are a very convenient option since they do not have to travel at all.
- Helps For Anxious Patients
Many patients get anxious or feel restless in hospitals, and as a result, there can be panic attacks or fits. For them, going to a diagnostic center is not a good idea. Anxious patients do stand to benefit from home blood tests as staying in a familiar environment (i.e. home) can help calm their nerves.
- It Helps to Contain Complete anonymity
Diseases such as HIV/AIDS have a social stigma attached to it and patients of this disease do not like to disclose their disease status to the public. Home blood tests can help them to maintain complete anonymity as they won’t come in contact with anyone apart from their family.
Who provides such services in Bangalore?
In Bangalore, Dr. Sunny is providing quality home blood sample collection. You need to call the laboratory and they will send one of their representatives to your address for the sample collection.